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Citgo EP Compound 320 is a high-quality, extreme pressure lubricant designed for use in a variety of industrial applications, including enclosed gears, bearings, and other equipment operating under heavy loads and extreme temperatures. Formulated with high-quality base oils, a lithium complex thickener, and advanced additive technology, this lubricant provides excellent wear protection, extreme pressure properties, and water resistance, ensuring the smooth and efficient operation of your equipment. Citgo EP Compound 320 meets or exceeds major OEM and industry specifications, including AGMA 250.04 and US Steel 224, and is suitable for use in a wide range of industrial applications. Trust Citgo EP Compound 320 to protect your equipment, extend its life, and reduce maintenance costs.


SKU: 901
  • Product Information sheets provide comprehensive data about the features, benefits, and technical specifications of our lubricant products. By reviewing these documents, you will gain a better understanding of how our lubricants can improve the performance and longevity of your equipment.

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